Camel Desert Fox Gold Panning Machine


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The DESERT FOX spiral wheel has seven separate spirals which pick up gold seven times with each rotation of the wheel (105 times per minute). The seven spirals dump gold into the tube-shaft and into a hanging gold catch-cup. The DESERT FOX wheel with its pitch adjustment and water spray system, helps the operator “tune out” the black-sand and process 70 pounds of concentrates per hour.

Fill the tank with 3 gallons of water… Hook the clips to your 12-volt battery (Optional) … Turn on the switch… The wheel starts to rotate and water sprays from the spray-bar… Add a scoop of sand every 20 seconds… The GOLD settles to the bottom and the seven spiral leads pick it up and elevate it to the center hub where it passes through the hollow shaft into a gold catch cup! It is as simple as that and so user-friendly that you will be an expert gold-panner ten minutes after you have used the DESERT FOX for the first time!

Tests show that the DESERT FOX can also be used to recover high specific gravity precious stones too. When used for this purpose it is necessary to screen the material to a point where only particles of the same size are processed together. This is because the specific gravity of diamonds, sapphires and other precious stones is not nearly as high as gold.

The variable speed option on the Desert Fox allows you to adjust the speed of the spiral wheel without affecting the pumping of water over the wheel. This option comes in handy if you run into some extremely heavy black sand. The slowing down of the wheel revolution gives more time to wash out the heavy black sand before it enters the tube shaft and into the gold catch cup. The Desert Fox is designed to be fully self contained panning machine and will operate on any small battery capable of about 4 Amps output at 12 Volts. It will actually operate on any 12 Volt automotive battery or even a 35 watt solar panel

  • The Aqua-Jet spray tube keeps the sand in the wheel in suspension so that the gold drops out faster.
  • The Tailings Tray catches 5 pounds of tailings to minimize time lost in case of an operator’s mistake.
  • The Action Packer carrying case doubles as a water reservoir
  • The bilge pump re-circulates 3 gallons of water so that the machine can be used in dry areas.
  • The Desert Fox can be removed from the Action Packer and used directly in a stream.
  • The Variable Speed motor allow you to adjust the speed of the spiral wheel without affecting the pumping of the water over the wheel.

Additional information

Weight 7.2 kg
Dimensions 56 × 44 × 32 cm

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